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INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLOQUIUM “PENDIDIKAN DAN HUKUM DI ERA KONTEMPORER” Program Pascasarjana (PPs) UIN Salatiga sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang senantiasa mengembangakan keilmuan...

Interdisciplinary Colloquium: Pendidikan Agama Islam Era Digital Berbasis Multidisipliner

Interdisciplinary Colloquium Pendidikan Agama Islam Era Digital Berbasis Multidisipliner Pada hari Jumat, 28 Oktober 2022 Program Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga melalui...

S2 HKI Selenggarakan Kuliah bersama dengan UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

S2 HKI Selenggarakan Kuliah bersama dengan UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Jum’at, 21/10/2022. Magister S2 Hukum Keluarga Islam (HKI) Pascasarjana...

Prodi Magister PGMI dan Magister TBI Selenggarakan Kuliah Tamu dengan Narasumber “Prof. Hans Wilhelm Wachtel” dari Hamburg, Jerman

Prodi Magister PGMI dan Magister TBI Selenggarakan Kuliah Tamu dengan Narasumber “Prof. Hans Wilhelm Wachtel” dari Hamburg, Jerman Jum’at 21...


PRODI DOKTOR PAI GELAR UJIAN KOMPREHENSIF Proposal disertasi yang baik mesti didukung dengan referensi dan teori yang kuat. Mahasiswa S3 harus menguasai berbagai teori yang…

PengumumanPenting, Mahasiswa, Dosen

Hasil Ujian Seleksi PMB Gelombang II

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh. Diberitahukan kepada Calon Mahasiswa Baru Program Magister dan Doktor Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga bahwa Hasil Ujian Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru GelombangII…


Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies has the perspectives of humanities and social sciences. This journal also has programs aimed at bridging the gap between the textual and contextual approaches to Islamic Studies; and solving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ Islam.


Indonesian Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Humanity
It is committed to the scholarly study of the dynamic interplays among religion, spirituality, and humanity. It particularly focuses on the works which deal with the anthropology of religion, sociology of religion, psychology of religion, philosophy of religion, history of religion, religious education, religious literature, theology, religious law, religious tourism, mysticism, religion and local wisdom


Center for Education Peace and Social Justice
is a center of study that studies and develops peace from all perspectives, as well as a center for learning in the development of social justice. in a study center supported by experts and scientists so that every discussion produces or can solve problems in peace and social justice